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Online Guest Talk by Prof. Olga Kunina-Habenicht | TU Dortmund

We are looking forward to welcome you to Prof. Olga Kunina-Habenicht's (TU Dortmund) talk "Computer-based assessment of diagnostic competence in (prospective) physicians: Role of expertise and teamwork quality" in Zoom!



This guest talk will focus on the results of two empirical studies conducted by Prof. Kunina-Habenicht together with her colleagues Prof. Dr. Wolf Hautz and Dr. Juliane Kämmer from Inselspital, University Hospital (Bern). The first study deals with the development of a simulation-based test to assess diagnostic competence (ASCLIRE), which encompasses the entire clinical decision-making process. In this cross-sectional study, participants were asked to select as many diagnostic measures as they deemed necessary to diagnose the underlying disease of six different cases with acute or subacute dyspnea (shortness of breath).

The second study examined which situational and stable factors influence the perceived quality of teamwork during a specific team task, namely when a medical team consisting of a senior physician and a resident diagnoses patients. In this field study, based on 495 cases from an emergency department in Bern, data were collected from several sources: Information about the patients, the diagnosing physicians and the context, and the ratings of the participating physicians on the perceived quality of their teamwork.