New article on ChatGPT and the influence of large language models in education
An article on the topic "ChatGPT for good? On opportunities and challenges of large language models for education" was published today in the journal Learning and Individual Differences. It was a collaboration between LMU Munich, Technical University of Munich, and Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, with significant contributions from members of the COSIMA research group.
The article discusses the role and influence of large AI language models in the field of education, as well as the implications for different subject areas and stakeholders. The COSIMA research group also closely observes the potential of AI language models like ChatGPT in the context of simulation-based learning environments.
The article is freely available until April 28, 2023, at the following link:
Kasneci, E., Sessler, K., Küchemann, S., Bannert, M., Dementieva, D., Fischer, F., Gasser, U., Groh, G., Günnemann, S., Hüllermeier, E., Krusche, S., Kutyniok, G., Michaeli, T., Nerdel, C., Pfeffer, J., Poquet, O., Sailer, M., Schmidt, A., Seidel, T., Stadler, M., Weller, J., Kuhn, J., & Kasneci, G. (2023). ChatGPT for good? On opportunities and challenges of large language models for education. Learning and Individual Differences, 103, 102274.