DFG FOR 2385

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Project 2

Funding phase 1:
Facilitating competences in interactive diagnosing argumentation in mathematics: The effects of self-explanation prompts and solution examples in simulated teacher-student interaction


In project 2 the teacher-student interaction in secondary school geometry lessons is simulated. Teacher-student interaction in secondary school geometry classes will be simulated in a video-based simulation environment to determine the mathematical reasoning skills of students.
In funding phase 1, three studies were carried out in which the prerequisite profiles of diagnoses and the effects of prompts on the acquisition of diagnostic skills were examined.


    Funding phase 2:
    Fostering the diagnostic skills of future mathematics teachers: Individual learning potentials during the course of of study and effects of adapting prompts as scaffolding.


    In the second funding phase of the Visit-Math project, the diagnostic skills of teacher education students of mathematics are being investigated in continuation of the first phase.
    The focus in funding phase 2 is on the investigation of the development of diagnostic competencies during the course of studies, especially with regard to currical elements, on the one hand, and on the adaptation of prompts to optimize scaffolding measures, which were tested in funding phase 1, on the other hand.