DFG FOR 2385

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Project 6

Funding phase 1:
Facilitating cooperative medical diagnosing competencies: The effects of cooperation scrips and reflection phases

Project description

In the first project phase of project 6, a document-based simulation was developed, implemented in CASUS and piloted in a pilot study. In addition, ten complex patient cases were developed and validated in an expert workshop. Three studies were then conducted in which learners were supported in the cooperative diagnostic process by different variants of socio-cognitive scaffolding with a collaboration script and reflection phases.
As part of the first study, two extensive validation studies were carried out, in which a total of over 100 medical students with different levels of prior knowledge and almost 30 internists took part. In the second study, an intervention study was conducted in which approximately 150 medical students were supported in collaborative diagnostic processes using a static or adaptive collaboration script. In the third study, the adaptive collaboration scripts were experimentally varied using a 2x2 design with reflection phases on the individual diagnostic process in order to investigate both the effectiveness of the joint use of both instructional forms of support and their dependence on the learners' prior knowledge. A total of approx. 150 medical students took part.

Funding phase 2:
CoSiMed - Facilitating cooperative medical diagnosing competencies: The effects of the adaptation of scaffolding to the professional knowledge base of the collaboration partners

Project description

In the second project phase of project 6, the first study, based on data from the previous studies of both funding phases of projects 6 and 5, investigated the extent to which correlations between the explanatory factors of diagnostic quality in collaborative diagnostics can be statistically proven and whether these apply across contexts and studies. The second project phase of SP6 also focuses on a comprehensive experimental study with around 200 medical students, which could only be carried out in summer 2022 due to restrictions and delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on this data, an experimental study was conducted using a 2x2 design to investigate the influence of adaptation of reflection phases on the strategic and conceptual knowledge of one's own discipline. For this study, low and highly structured reflection phases were developed via the collaborative diagnostic process. For the third study, further learning prerequisite data (e.g. self-regulation skills) was collected to supplement previous learning process data using learning analytics methods. The aim is to identify learners with support needs and their causes. The aim is to create an adaptation basis for learning support.