Funding phase 1
Fostering the diagnostic skills of future mathematics teachers:
Prerequisite profiles and effects of prompts as scaffolding.
PhD Candidates
Project duration
2017 - 2020
In project 2 the teacher-student interaction in secondary school geometry lessons is simulated. Teacher-student interaction in secondary school geometry classes will be simulated in a video-based simulation environment to determine the mathematical reasoning skills of students.
In funding phase 1, three studies were carried out in which the prerequisite profiles of diagnoses and the effects of prompts on the acquisition of diagnostic skills were examined.
- Codreanu, E., Huber, S., Reinhold, S., Sommerhoff, D., Neuhaus, B. J., Schmidmaier, R., Ufer, S., & Seidel, T. (2022). Diagnosing Mathematical Argumentation Skills: A Video-Based Simulation for Pre-Service Teachers. In F. Fischer & A. Opitz (Eds.), Learning to Diagnose with Simulations : Examples from Teacher Education and Medical Education (pp. 33–47). Springer International Publishing.
- Codreanu, E., Sommerhoff, D., Huber, S., Ufer, S., & Seidel, T. (2021). Exploring the Process of Preservice Teachers’ Diagnostic Activities in a Video-Based Simulation. Frontiers in Education, 6, Article 626666.
- Codreanu, E., Sommerhoff, D., Huber, S., Ufer, S., & Seidel, T. (2020). Between authenticity and cognitive demand: Finding a balance in designing a video-based simulation in the context of mathematics teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 95, 1-12.
Conference Contributions
- Codreanu, E.; Huber, S.; Sommerhoff, D.; Ufer, S.; Seidel, T. (2019). Developing a Video-based Simulation to Investigate Preservice Teachers’ Diagnostic Skills concerning Mathematical Argumentation. AERA 2019, Toronto. 10.13140/RG.2.2.22110.89922.
- Radkowitsch, A.; Codreanu, E.; Schauberger, J.; Fischer, F.; Förtsch, C.; Neuhaus, B.; Schmidmaier, R.; Seidel, T.; Stürmer, K.; Ufer, S. (2018). Validierung von simulationsbasierten Lernumgebungen zur Förderung von Diagnosekompetenzen. Die Wahrnehmung von Presence in simulierten Diagnosesituationen in verschiedenen Domänen. GEBF 2018, Basel.
- Codreanu, E.; Reinhold, S.; Huber, S.; Sommerhoff, D.; Ufer, S.; Seidel, T. (2018). Visit-Math - Development of a Video-based Simulation to Investigate Teachers' Diagnostic Competences. EARLI SIG 11, Kristianasand.10.13140/RG.2.2.10104.70409.