Funding phase 2
Facilitation of professional knowledge and diagnostic competences in the interactive diagnosis of the academic level in mathematics: The effects of the assumed role and the accompanying vs. concluding reflection styles in simulated instructor-learner situations (DiMaL)
- Prof. Stefan Ufer
- Prof. Kathleen Stürmer
- Prof. Christof Wecker
- Prof. Matthias Siebeck
- Prof. Daniel Sommerhoff
Doctoral Candidate
Project duration
2020 - 2023
Project description
Project 7 focuses on the acquisition of diagnostic competencies for prospective mathematics teachers. To this end, diagnostic interviews on demimals between a teacher and a learner are simulated in role-plays. These simulations are used to measure and foster the professional competencies, which are necessary in these interactive diagnostic situations, in mathematics teacher education students. The second phase of the project studies on the effects of different forms of presentation (live vs. video) and implements knowledge-activation and reflections prompts adaptively..
Current status
(2020) By implementig the longitudinal study online, we were able to start data collection for the role-play simulation despite changed circumstances. The system for video simulation is in preparation.
Conference papers and posters
- Kron, S., Achnter, M., Sommerhoff, D., Siebeck, M., Stürmer, K., Wecker, C., & Ufer, S. (2020, September). Rollenspielbasierte simulierte Diagnoseinterviews in der Lehramtsausbildung. Vortrag presented at GDM-Onlinetagung.