DFG FOR 2385

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Funding phase 1

Facilitating competences in diagnosing mathematics performance in simulation-based environments


PhD Candidates

Project duration

2017 - 2020

Project description

Project 1 simulates elementary school students dealing with mathematics tasks. Prospective primary school teachers are asked to assess typical student misconceptions and to identify the student's competence level in mathematics by assigning tasks to the simulated students. Three experiments will be conducted in which learners are scaffolded by reducing the complexity of the learner's task as well as by learning collaboratively with different role-manuscripts.

Current status

  • The leanring environment is built and validated. In summer term 2020, we conduct an online survey with students from Munich and Freiburg. We investigate the effects of different kinds of scffolds on the performance of diagnosing in the simulated environment.


  • Wildgans-Lang, A., Scheuerer, S., Obersteiner, A., Fischer, F., & Reiss, K. (2020). Analyzing prospective mathematics teachers’ diagnostic processes in a simulated environment. ZDM Mathematics Education, 52(2), 241-254. [online]