DFG FOR 2385

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Funding phase 2

Model validation by means of meta-analytical integration of research group findings 


Postdoctoral Research Associates

Project duration

2020 - 2023

Project description

A central core of the research group initiative remains the meta-analytical project M. On the one hand, it provides a quantitative synthesis of the currently available literature on the adaptive fostering of diagnostic skills in simulation-based learning environments and, on the other hand, it integrates the findings of the research group across all COSIMA projects to test the assumptions in the joint working model. Already in the first funding phase, project M was able to provide important findings through publications on the meta-analytical overview of the effectiveness of simulations for the training of complex skills (Chernikova et al., 2019), as well as for the analysis of process data (Stadler et al., 2019), from which the entire research group benefits. In the second funding phase, project M would like to build on these previous successes in order to provide an innovative impulse in the areas of research strategy and methodology.
